Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Sandman is not a playmate!

I just talked to my friend, K and she was telling me how her three year old son wakes up in the night to go potty and then wants to listen to books on tape. At three in the morning. She told me that (of course) she says no...most of the time...and tells him that instead he can look through books in his bed. At three in the morning. Really? That boy has got her number! I got to thinking about a few other friends I have who have shared similar stories. One friend of mine plays with her daughter for an hour at a time in the middle of the night and another gets up and watches TV with her child. If your sweet baby thinks he can get away with it, he will try it. I promise. So remember this complicated little tip...nighttime is for sleeping. Enforce it. If you are consistent, results will follow!

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