Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I'm no expert, but...

I have this strange interest in figuring out how, why, and when kids need to sleep. It started when my son was born and I was in a new city with a new baby living in my brother's house. I had nothing to do and nobody really to talk to. So...I turned my focus on to my baby. I read anything and everything I could get my hands on about babies and sleep until I had my boy sleeping soundly through the night by the time he was seven weeks old. Since whatever I was doing was working, I kept reading, and learning, and kept up with a schedule, and my sweet, happy, well-rested baby turned into a sweet, happy, well-rested toddler. Then it was time for baby number two. L was born and again was sleeping 7-8 hour stretches by eight weeks. She slept 7-7 for the first time when she was 11 weeks old and has never looked back. I, by no means claim to be any kind of expert and I certainly don't want to make any promises that my advice will work for everyone (or even anyone!), but I love sleep questions and I love trying to figure it all out. So, if you have a question about your baby and sleep...ask away!


  1. I can't wait to read your tips :) xoxo

  2. neat idea! you should share the book- W must have had a "leap" just now, since Sunday we were saying "what is UP with him?" and he had a strange nap day.
