Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ever Wonder?


Have you ever wondered about those times in your baby's/child's life where it seems that everything you have worked to achieve backfires? You know, you've been diligent about naps, scheduled meals, etc. and your sweet baby seems to have lost his mind? The whining, crying, fussing, tantrums seem to come from nowhere. But guess what? It seems that it's totally normal and actually a sign that your child is developing. Those little neurons are firing away and making new connections daily, but every few weeks in your young child's life means a great big leap in development. I stumbled upon a book called The Wonder Weeks by Hettie Vanderijt and Frans Plooij and it is amazing! It outlines the "leaps" your baby makes at predictable times in his life and helps explain those crazy fussy periods. Seriously, it totally makes sense and makes those hard days a little easier to understand. It also shows you what your child will be able to accomplish after the leap is over. Very cool. You can check out the website here www.thewonderweeks.com.

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